Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time passes

Have your dreams been set a side on a table
A table of no destiny
A blast from the past
Hold on to it
It will go fast

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Write a riff

"if your house were on fire, what single object would you take?" this question becomes difficult to answer with lack of context. Let's assume I am trying to pick one thing out of the house. Allthe people and pets are already out, I am clothed with my wallet and my ID, and some one has already contacted the fire department. So as events happen while this fire is burning I'm asking myself what irreplaceable item do I have to bring. Also is this only my items because maybe I would grab something of my parents for them. So the question continues and I still have no clue what I would grab.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Write a riff

As the fog sinks to the surface of this gloomy town, the rain slams down being blown side to side by the howling winds. The trees sway and creek as if being pushed by a semi-truck. The ocean steams as the cold air kisses it. The simplest weather can make outside a dreaded destination on this early December day. The temperature is way to warm, if it would just drop below the magic number 32 this awful weather would make a lovely winter wonder land. Well in a perfect world some would say, but for now I'll just stay inside in fear of drowning in the heavy rain.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Write a riff son 1/9/12

The dessert in the winter... Freezing wind that chaps your skin, bright sun that blinds. It's such a tease when you look out the window and there is not a cloud in the sky, but then your first step out the door the cold punches and kicks it's way through your layers and freezes you to your core. Not a drop of moisture in the air and no one can remember the last time it rained or snowed. So the people live in this dead oasis of dry grass with frozen dew clung to the tips. No one think of Idaho as a cold place but when winter comes with no moisture it is painful. No clouds to insulate the heart of the state. It is a very dry cold.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sweet by Martin Williams

The steel has not made me cold
Nor the stone made me hard
Nor the gray made me colorless.

The dopefiends have not made me scandalous
Nor the cops made me hateful
Nor the hateful made me heartless.

The food has not killed my appetite
Nor sexlessness killed my desire
Nor lifelessness killed my thirst.

They gave me no water for my garden,
Gave me sand for seeds,
And I grew flowers
And low fruit,
Enough to colors the walls
And make stale rice
Taste sweet.

Write a riff

The power of a doodle, a doodle can capture the human mind for a given amount of time and completely place it in a whole nother dimension. This domestic is yours to do as freely as you please. Expressing your thoughts, mood, emotions of the day with something as simple as some scribbled up art work on the corner of a piece of ratty notebook paper. When you are under the influence of a doodle the outside world may encourage or discourage it's outcome. This beautiful scribble or even an elaborate art piece grabs the human mind and let's beauty happen on the side of a page. The oodles of doodles from every soul has some sort of story it tells.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Write a riff

This fast really gets in tune with how I feel. I like the relation of the fish and the boy.

He sits in class with one wish... Just like a fish he wishes one thing. That he could escape this prison of hypocrites, hipsters, and knowledge being fed down the tubes of a young mind. The poor goldfish sits in his bowl and dreams of being out, doing anything, not something but anything. Instead of living he survives in a world he not despises nor enjoys. He enjoys the life lessons he shall learn and take in. The young man knows high school life is not real life, just like the fish knows there could be a different world.